Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tilapia and Fresh Herbs

Since I made meatballs the other day, I have extra parsley on hand. And when I have extra parsley, I like to fry it crispy. That may sound like a strange thing to do, but I love cooking with it and my favorite bits have always been the slightly burned bits. I figure, I am the cook, why don't I make it all that way and have a big pile of crispy awesome?

So I do that. And It's great. I like to pair it with fish because the contrast in the textures is just great.

Today, I paired my crispy parsley with some tilapia and other greenery. Yum.

Tilapia with Fresh Herbs

4 tilapia fillets
1cup curly parsley, rough chopped
1 red onion, diced
1/4 cup mint leaves, chopped

Warm the olive oil in a large saute pan. Place in the tilapia fillets. Saute about 3 minutes on each side. Remove from the pan.

Keeping the heat on medium, add in the onions and the herbs. Keep everything moving so you don't over brown anything. Sprinkle on some salt to taste. Cook until the edges of the parsley start to crisp.

Spoon over fish.

Serve with whole wheat couscous or brown rice.

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